Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Family photos

The Australian Kleingeld clan 2008 I suppose we're all getting a bit older.
Dave Sara Aiden and Megan
Tim Amrit Anjali and Kiran.
Annemarie Jenna and Gary with Michelle Ben and Rachel in front

Melbourne Zoo

I suppose a visit to the zoo usually starts with a cup of coffee after the drive into town. We thought so anyway. There have been so many changes since we last came here.The bears are behind glass and they come right up to you - no fear on either side !
We have a small herd of elephants in a new enclosure. The animals all seem happy and we had a fantastic day.Seeing it all through the eyes of a small boy really added to our fun.
Here is another little one falling in love with her opa.The time with the family just flew past and it made us realise how really blessed we are.

FAMILY Weekend

David and Sara came for 10 days so we decided to have the whole family stay with us for the weekend. With a bit of creative sleeping arrangement we fitted 17 people into our house quite comfortably.Little Megan was a bit overwhelmed with all the attention at first but she soon got used to us all.The back yard turned out to be an excellent sports field.We have some world champions in the making (maybe) and we really had good fun together.
Our oldest and youngest grandchildren.
We went to the playground at Lilydale lake - there is play equiptment for young and old.The icecream man must have been pleased to see such a nice big family - we had a special treat for a special day.
Jenna and Megan

Shallow Inlet

Just before the children finished their school holidays we joined Annemarie , Gary and their kids and Amrit and the girls for a few days at the beach. Kiran (and all of them ) had a wonderful time in the shallow water.Anjali and Jenna are good friends . The kids wear wetsuits which stops them from getting cold and you don't have to put sunscreen all over them.
Gary took a canoe down with him. We all had a go in it which was good fun.The water was much deeper further out so they went fishing in the channel.
Ben is very keen on the fishing so he went out with Gary several times. They caught quite a few fish - most were too small or not edible but they did have a meal from them.