Monday, April 25, 2011

our trip to Cape Liptrap National Park

we spent some time at this beautiful spot along the Victorian coast appr. 175km. from home. We had some glorious days with a campfire at night. Amrit, Anjali, Kiran, Vicki and I camped here for almost a week.                                    During the day we walked along the beach with Anjali and Kiran. We did quite a few kilometres.

Sometimes we had to climb over rockwalls to get to the next beach. We had such a good time !
As you can see the beach is quite rugged with some nice rockformations.
Our campingspot was very close to the beach. We had to share the area with wombats, wallabies and even koalas. Here the girls are playing a game of snakes and ladders.
From the picnicspot you can see Wilsons Prom

Here another picture of  one of our walks along the beach. We will certainly come back for another visit to this beautiful spot.